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Next Step

Our ultimate plan is to serve as a one-stop information center for the students as well as community

residents where they can access all relevant information to enhance their livelihood and development,

including career counselling for young people, business consultancy for the local entrepreneurs, among

others. Our target is to train as many youth and adult within different community, region or state and

equip them with the essential basic ICT skills, with the Graceville Digital Hub emerging as a success in

the region of mowe community, The administration will like to set up a new Digital Hub center in other

communities and regions in other to reach out to the disadvantage youth who are unable to reach out to us

here at the Graceville center due to geographical location or ethnic differences. In the bid to achieve our

next step we will need a projector and teaching materials that will facilitate learning and more laptops

because of the shortage of electricity, desktops computer has its own limitation. In order to add more value

to the students and the target community, the current trainers will also require skills-refreshing courses

and other capacity building opportunities. This is because ICT Education is constantly evolving and they

need to keep abreast.

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